The dialogue of the poetry with music: cosmos by Father Jan Twardowski

NEWS | 11-08-2021
On August 15th at 7:00 PM we would like to invite you to a free online premiere: Philharmonics in chamber hall| Jan Twardowski's verses.

The concert is part of the MISTERIOSO series. We present there small events, often with the participation of only a few musicians, showing the artists' creative approach to musical narration and ensuring personal and intimate contact with the recipient.

The concert will be performed by: FeelHarmony Quintet and Szczecin actress Anna Gielarowska. In her interpretation, we hear the following poems: "From the end", "Meetings", "Suddenly", "Sorrow", "Old photographs", "Against oneself", "Big and small", "Rain".

FeelHarmony Quintet is one of the most popular chamber music ensembles of Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Szczecin. It is composed of: Bogusław Jakubowski, Izabela Kokosińska, Filippo Del Noce, Edyta Moroz and Katarzyna Sułkowska. The quintet's repertoire includes classical music, 20th century music and contemporary arrangements of popular music.

Anna Gielarowska – the actress, the member of the Association of Polish Stage Artists, a branch in Szczecin. She worked in theaters in Szczecin and Warsaw, on radio ABC (in the department of intervention, reportage, culture). Her artistic achievements include radio and television recordings. She released a CD: "Fly towards the Sun" and "Forget-me-nots" to the poetry of Anna Frajlich, Ambassador of Szczecin 2007.
She has pedagogical experience in working with children and youth, and conducts forms of theater therapy
Anna Rocławska-Musiałczyk – a composer, pianist and conductor. She creates choral, vocal and instrumental music: chamber and symphonic. As the pianist, she accompanies soloists and ensembles performing various musical genres. She tapers for films. She is the laureate of international composition and choral competitions. She co-creates and is a member of the Art'n'Voices Vocal Ensemble, which in 2021 received the "Fryderyk" Music Award for the album "Midnight Stories" – Contemporary Music of Polish Composers – in the category of contemporary music.
Professionally associated with the Academy of Music. Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdańsk and the Music School Complex in Gdańsk.

The concert will be available for free on the Philharmonic's Facebook and YouTube channels.

February 2025
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