A film narrative about World Music Day

NEWS | 14-07-2017
Szczecin participated in World Music Day which took place on 21st June. It was also the grand finale of the Philharmonic social campaign Hear Good Tunes. The whole city was filled with music, ranging from classical pieces through rock to disco rhythms. Watch the video report from this great day!
Musical happenings organised in the urban space began at 14:00. In various locations musical towns arose: Grunwaldzki, Orła Białego, Rodła squares, as well as Jasne Błonia and Dom Kultury Skolwin. Every passerby enjoyed a variety of tunes from saxophones, choirs and even a percussion orchestra!

Watch the video report:

There was a great surprise awaiting the passengers on the Szczecin-Berlin train in the form of live music performed by Szczecin and Berlin artists alike. Such a symbolic exchange of borderline sounds. While awaiting the train, the musicians were making music in the train station. – Not everyone has time to go to the Philharmonic. – I suppose there should be more of such mini concerts. – It was great and very pleasant. – I hope to spend my journey listening to these talented musician, the passengers told Anna Łukaszek from Radio Szczecin.

The West Side Sinfonietta performed in the evening in the Golden Hall of the Szczecin Philharmonic. This ensemble is made-up of musicians of the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin and the National Forum of Music in Wrocław. Interestingly, the orchestra is not led in a traditional manner as there is no conductor, but rather from the violin music stand. This role is fulfilled by two outstanding musicians, orchestra concert masters – Paweł Maślanka and Marcin Danilewski. Together with them Jacek Sosna constitutes the core of the ensemble. The orchestra’s repertoire is quite varied and encompasses both classical pieces and salon music. During World Music Day AKA Make Music Day or Fête de la Musique, they performed Vivaldi’s and Piazzolla’s “Four Seasons”.

When dusk came, the Philharmonic lobby turned into a dance floor! Three DJs, three different tracks, three hundred headphones – a Silent Disco! From club through Polish and foreign pop music to remixes of Polish hits of the 1960s and 1970s. The party lasted late into the night.

Fête de la Musique was created thanks to the initiative of a French composer with Polish roots, Marcel Landowski. The event had its premiere in Paris on 21st June 1982. During the opening, Jack Lang, Minister of Culture at the time, invited all French people to get out with music into the public space. The popularity of the celebration in France was so huge that other countries began to take part as well. Every year music institutions, Philharmonics, Operas, Music Schools, cultural centres, NGOs, cafes as well as private persons, all around the world organise open concerts in June. The force of World Music Day is that it has no single one epicentre, but is created in many grassroot places . 

Recruitment to ILYO 2017
03-07-2017 17:16
February 2025
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