Applied art and interactive installations at the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival

NEWS | 05-04-2018
During the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, the interior of the Philharmonic in Szczecin will become an amazing gallery – an exhibition of furniture, large-format photographs and design, creating a unique scenography for the festival events. On show are furniture designs by one of the most outstanding architects of classical modernism – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the photographic exhibition "Danish design in the lens of Piotr Topperzer", and an interactive installation by panGenerator. Over the five festival days from September 19th to 23rd, the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin will become a place where sound, light, architecture and applied art will merge into one cohesive artistic message.
The exhibitions available to guests during MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM (MDF) perfectly fit into the founding ideas behind the festival to constitutes a bold fusion of music and other arts. The event will be dominated by music (among the artists; Philip Glass, Magne Furuholmen, and Beardyman as announced earlier), and the visual aspects of the entire project are equally important. – The motto of experiencing music with all our senses has been undertaken by us for a long time via our many projects, so during the MDF Festival we wish to intensify this type of activity. During the five days of the festival we will show how much music, architecture, photography and other fields of art can influence each other to create a completely fresh artistic message, so different from the impact of each of these arts separately – says Dorota Serwa, Managing Director of the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin.

In a space not normally available to the public on a daily basis, namely the VIP lounge, furniture will be arranged by designer Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the late German modernist architect, furniture designer and propagator of minimalism. This furniture from the master's own private collection has entered the canon of modern design despite its passage of 80 years, and has not lost anything of its timelessness. On display are "Suspension chair" (Frischwinger), along with the MR 150 coffee table among others..

The Level 4 Gallery will host the photographic exhibition "Danish design in the lens of Piotr Topperzer", a Polish photographer living in Denmark. During the festival the artist will present
50 photographs depicting Danish utility projects: jewelry, furniture and home furnishings.

One of the most characteristic elements of the interior architecture of the Philharmonic in Szczecin – the spiral stairs, will host an interactive audiovisual installation. The spiral of the stairs will be transformed into a well in which the voices of festival guests will take on a material and visual form. In this way, a unique architectural, musical and light show will be created. The creator of the installation – panGenerator group, deals with the design and art of new media, combining modern digital media with original spatial forms and interactions. The PanGenerator Group's work has been presented in Melbourne, Beijing, Atlanta, Tel Aviv, Barcelona and Vienna, including the most important design and art festivals, such as: Ars Electronica Festival (Linz, Austria), International Contemporary Music Festival Warsaw Autumn, International Biennale of Media Art WRO (Wrocław), Łódź Design, Milan Design Week, DMY International Design Festival (Berlin) or SXSW (Texas).

MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM (MDF) is a festival across the divisions to combine different fields of art. During the 5 days, guests will experience symphonic and chamber concerts, exhibitions, workshops, discussion panels, happenings, visual and sound visualizations, and more. The main assumption of the festival is to show how divisions into genres, styles of artistic expression, are delineated. The first edition of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will take place on 19-23 September 2018 in the unique award-winning space of the organizer – the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic in Szczecin.

Information about ticket prices and dates of sale will soon be available on the website page devoted to the festival

February 2025
01FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
01 FEB, sa, 20:00 - MTV Unplugged ØRGANEKkoncert zewnętrzny
02FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
03FEB '25mn, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
03FEB '25mn, 19:00
JAZZ CONCERTS | Espressivo 2024/2025Polish Jazz LegendsJazz concert
04FEB '25tu, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
TODAY05 FEBwd, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
TODAY05 FEBwd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Four Seasons of Buenos AiresChamber concert
TOMORROW06 FEBth, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
07FEB '25fr, 09:00
Jazz Camp for Kids | Warsztatyworkshopsdla uczniów 10-16 lat ze szkół muzycznych
07FEB '25fr, 14:00
07FEB '25fr, 15:00
07FEB '25fr, 19:00
08FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
09FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
09FEB '25sn, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025CoincidenceConcert
10 FEB, mn, 19:00 - SOYKA - CZAS NA MIŁOŚĆkoncert zewnętrzny
11 FEB, tu, 19:00 - ANITA LIPNICKA I JOHN PORTER. KOŚCI MIŁOŚCI koncert zewnętrzny
14FEB '25fr, 14:00
14FEB '25fr, 15:00
14FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Faces of LoveSymphonic concert
16FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
16 FEB, sn, 17:00 - MIUOSH x ZESPÓŁ ŚLĄSK: PIEŚNI WSPÓŁCZESNE IIkoncert zewnętrzny
16 FEB, sn, 20:00 - MIUOSH x ZESPÓŁ ŚLĄSK: PIEŚNI WSPÓŁCZESNE IIkoncert zewnętrzny
17FEB '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
17FEB '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
18 FEB, tu, 19:00 - EDYTA GEPPERT RECITALkoncert zewnętrzny
21FEB '25fr, 14:00
21FEB '25fr, 15:00
21FEB '25fr, 16:00
21FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Dance InvitationSymphonic concert
22FEB '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
22FEB '25sa, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025Coincidence | Koncert w NFM WrocławConcert
22 FEB, sa, 19:00 - SYMPHONICA Z GRZEGORZEM SKAWIŃSKIMkoncert zewnętrzny
23FEB '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
24 FEB, mn, 19:00 - IRENA SANTOR. TRASA JUBILEUSZOWA koncert zewnętrzny
26 FEB, wd, 19:00 - MARYLA RODOWICZ - MAŁGOŚKA FOREVERkoncert zewnętrzny
28FEB '25fr, 14:00
28FEB '25fr, 15:00
28FEB '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Horn of PlentySymphonic concert
March 2025
01MAR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
02MAR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
05MAR '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Stirring KaleidoscopeChamber concert
06MAR '25th, 10:00
School concerts 2024/2025Just So You Know?School concert for students aged 14+
06MAR '25th, 12:00
School concerts 2024/2025Just So You Know?School concert for students aged 14+
07MAR '25fr, 14:00
07MAR '25fr, 15:00
07MAR '25fr, 19:00
08MAR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
08MAR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
08MAR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
09MAR '25sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsIn the Brass Kingdom of King TubaConcertfor children with caregivers
10MAR '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
10MAR '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
11MAR '25tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
14MAR '25fr, 14:00
14MAR '25fr, 15:00
14MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025The Essence of ViennaSymphonic concert
15MAR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
15MAR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
15MAR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
20MAR '25th, 19:00
WORLD MUSIC | Rubato 2024/2025Lullabies for the WorldWorld music concert
21MAR '25fr, 14:00
21MAR '25fr, 15:00
21MAR '25fr, 16:00
21MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Spring and the CitySymphonic concert
28MAR '25fr, 14:00
28MAR '25fr, 15:00
28MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025From AfarSymphonic concert
30MAR '25sn, 17:00
EduVerve| Family concertsUP-Down — being KarłowiczConcertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults