21MAY '17sn, 17:00

Napiórkowski/Lesicki - CELULOID

Symphonic concert (sinfonietta) / broadcast
Symphony Hall
  • Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Marek Napiórkowski - guitar
  • Artur Lesicki - guitar
  • Rafał Karasiewicz - conductor
Polish film music arranged by Rafał Karasiewicz
Marek Napiórkowski and Artur Lesicki are great guitarists, and also friends from school days. Both of them grew up in Jelenia Góra, where they learnt how to play the guitar, and advised and helped out each other. However, to see these unusual musical personalities play together, music lovers have had to wait for a long time.

‘Celuloid’ is their original project in which the guitarists worked on pieces by leading Polish film music composers: Wojciech Kilar, Andrzej Kurylewicz and Andrzej Korzyński. In their interpretation, Napiórkowski and Lesicki manoeuvre between gentle jazz and classical music. They do not break any rhythms, nor go for wild improvisations, nor look for innovative solutions by force. The musicians focus on creating beautiful, freely floating melodies supported slowly by solo parts – which is stressed by music critics.

The fruits of the meeting of Napiórkowski and Lesicki is the album ‘Celuloid’, presumably recorded over three days. Such a fast production is proof of their great skill and also the friendship which brought them together. It is an example of how a personal relationship was coined into a homogeneous sound. The compositions to films by Polish composers performed by the duo preserve their own charm, receiving at the same time new space and brilliance.
Organizatorem wydarzenia jest Filharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie.
Partnerem wydarzenia jest Radio Szczecin.


Napiórkowski/Lesicki - CELULOID
21-05-2017 17:00
Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin

May 2017
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07MAY '17sn, 17:00
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12MAY '17fr, 19:00
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14MAY '17sn, 17:00
15MAY '17mn, 09:00
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29MAY '17mn, 09:00
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June 2017
01JUN '17th, 18:00
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11JUN '17sn, 17:00
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25JUN '17sn, 17:00